Stephen Thompson

Welcome to my home page. I'm a software developer, currently doing some independent videogame development, as well as working on a new programming language. More info about me.

Programming Projects



A new verification-aware programming language (currently work-in-progress).


Knights screenshot

Knights is a multiplayer game involving several knights who must run around a dungeon and solve various quests.

Fluid Dynamics Demo

Shallow water screenshot

This demo uses the "shallow water equations" to simulate the motion of water across a 3-D landscape.


MIPS disassembly listing

Mips2cs is a tool that converts MIPS machine code executables into C# programs.

Roguelike Game

Roguelike game screenshot

A new indie roguelike game, currently at the very early stages of development.

Dominion AI Project

Dominion game box

An experiment with reinforcement learning for the card game Dominion.

Car Physics Demo

Car physics screenshot

A rigid body physics engine and car driving simulation.

Solar Physics Research

My PhD research work from 2002–2006.


I can be contacted by email, my address is: stephen (at)